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Born in the United States to a Lebanese family gave life a unique flavor, and not just through the delicious traditional cuisine. I always seemed to experience life from the outside looking in. When I was in the U.S., I felt like a foreigner and when in Lebanon, I still felt like the foreigner. This perspective gave me a new view of our world. Instead of seeing the differences, I started seeing the similarities in order to fit in.


I noticed a pattern in every community we lived in. The same emotions and personalities existed just different faces. The outside looked very different, but the insides were the same. Like each part of this earth looks very different, from deserts to oasis, but it is still the earth. Each one of these faces are different, but still human. This concept was very prevalent to me at such a young age.


I too was happy, sad, fearful, insecure, critical, fat, skinny, ugly, beautiful...I was everything depending on who was looking at me. I studied different energy work, explored the meaning of life, and continue to triumph over my challenges. I and we are all on a quest to discover our “I AM”.


I have become a light worker, a writer, and an artist in the process of understanding myself. Everywhere I travel, I find love to be the only force. Love is this energy that sets us free. It is the air we breathe and we choose the type of air we breathe out. My art and writing represent my outer breath, with the intentions to spark a flame that will light another’s journey. 

-Nancy Abraham

“The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.” 

Pablo Picasso 
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